Meet the "Conservative Vanguard"

The "Conservative Vanguard" is an elite group of proud conservatives who are on the front lines defending our proud Black conservatives from liberals desperate to destroy this new generation of Black leaders from promoting the conservative message of economic freedom, lower taxes, personal responsibility, and preserving the American family.

Join the Conservative Vanguard TODAY!


[ Founding Members ]

June Zeigler

Donald Beeth

W. Glenn Jamison

Dianna Bart

John Hayes

Philip Haislip

Eugene Szafarowicz

Margaret Brooks

Elise Gabbard

Donna Blincoe

Judith Topol

Roy Wuthier

Ronald Wiersema

Robert Haber

Kathryn Bernard

Chinedu Abara

Joan Cummins

Ronald Liese

Louis Buckman

Wilbur Fox

John Sernulka

Patricia Olmscheid

David Morris

Shirley Stewart

Kathleen Smith

Sandrea Randall

Aris Bush

Anne Harrill

David Renton

Pauline Bowen

Vern Tyerman

Paul Niccoli

Rex Thurlkill

James Firos

Lee Dambrosky

Keith Blevins

Robert Schwimmer

Saundra Johnson

Mike Fuller







[ Members ]

William Bartlett Jane Lesniak Bob Sweet Larry Woiwode
Dianne Augustus Don Kozy Daniel Farley Deborah Allen
Walter Bahler Michael Spears Nancy Miller Gary & Carlene Hoeksema
Harold Adams Glenn Smith Richard Waldo Gerald Schnackenberg
Maydee Scurlock Gary Young Hugh James John Collier
Kay Johnson Renate Newman Danna Shirley Margaret Garcia
Jody Klein Janice Thompsen Warren Woolsey William Street
Sylvia Barnes Carl Farris Clifford Giles Alvah Withey
Nancy Matthews Shirley McClinch David Fritz Sharon Pulliam
Paul Tringali Deborah Etheriedge K Turner, Jr. Charles Bourgeois
Bob Bort Judith Roberts Kathryn Sand Don Stuart
Susan Major Alton Age Keith Watkins Joseph Wilhelm
Luis Uribe Peter Bancroft Eugene & Diane Coates Patrick Gray
Judy Bowhall Vernon Smith Warren Elliott James Bibbo
Theodore Williams Robert Mattson Janet Gates Sandra Spellman
Margo Chenoweth Carl Tobias Julio Benitez Martha Moehrke
James Thomas Alex Vance Alveda King Mike Pochowski
Linda Coop Joseph Calusio Gary Kadlec Heno Head Jr.
Curtis Whittlesey Thomas Schmidt Diane Archibald John Gasser
Jan Enderle Cheryl Coruzzi Patricia Christenson Clayton Bossart
Arthur Cook Iris Broyles William Hart Steven Goodwin
John Taylor Debra Freeman Dee Iannone Katherine Butler
Vicky Long Frederick Mackintosh Joseph Lynem John Dieffenbaugh
James O'Neill Beverly White Lawrence Herbert Stephen Cooper
Jean Laughlin Ann Adkins Hattie Jackson Michael Gerry
© 2021 Black America's PAC
1325 G Street NW Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
BAMPAC Action Fund
1325 G Street NW Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005