As much as liberals would like us to believe conservatives have no chance on Election Day to hold the U.S. Senate and could lose more than 20 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, it’s simple just not the case. Races that liberals indicated they had in the bag months ago now appear to be closer than once thought.
Case in point: Wisconsin. Last week we found out liberals intend to spend $2 million to boost the efforts of the ultra-liberal Russ Feingold. Apparently he isn’t doing as well as liberals claimed from the early days of the campaign. They were so sure Sen. Ron Johnson would lose they moved resources to other states they believed would be more competitive.
Now it appears Sen. Johnson had the right strategy all along and is now executing his strategy to defeat one of the most liberal senators of all time, again. That’s right, again. Sen. Johnson defeated him six years ago, and with the support of BAMPAC and other like- minded conservative organizations Sen. Johnson is going to defeat him one more time. BAMPAC recently sponsored radio ads supporting Sen. Johnson’s reelection campaign to help counter the liberal funding supporting his opponent.
We know Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), the leader of the very liberal Democratic Senate will do whatever it takes to defeat Sen. Johnson and pass the baton to his more liberal friend Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the putative leader for Senate Democrats in the new Congress. Liberals can’t take back the senate without Wisconsin, so let’s send them a message loud and clear: We stand with Sen. Johnson; let’s defeat Russ Feingold one more time.