Rep. Will Hurd: A True Patriot

Representative Will Hurd (R-TX) one of three African American Republicans serving in the House continues to impress conservatives with his principled approach to governing. Rep. Hurd is a former CIA operative who served his country in the field. His service then, and now, is indicative of the strength and resolve he possesses and brings to the hard working people of his congressional district every day. Hurd’s commitment to his fellow Americans garnered him the support of his constituents over a well know liberal incumbent in the last election.


This year, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has made knocking off Rep. Hurd its top priority.  Here at BAMPAC we have made it our top priority to ensure Rep. Hurd returns to Congress to finish the good work he started.  In Congress, Rep. Hurd has worked hard every day to protect our country from another attack from those that intend to do us harm.  His voice is respected on both sides of the aisle, and his tireless work ethic is lauded by his constituents.  

Ensuring Rep. Hurd remains in Congress is essential to the ongoing work of BAMPAC.  We know liberals will distort Rep. Hurd’s record and character.  His opponent is already echoing the DCCC’s talking points to paint him as the enemy for his strong conservative beliefs. 

We believe his constituents will see right through the DCCC’s attempts to attack a true patriot like Rep. Hurd.  Liberals tried it last time to no avail.  With your help, we will make history again. 

© 2021 Black America's PAC
1325 G Street NW Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
BAMPAC Action Fund
1325 G Street NW Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005