As candidates move up their time tables announcing their intent to run for president in 2016, ostensibly it appears the campaign has already started. Without a doubt, candidates are raising large amounts of money to keep others at bay, while others are giving comprehensive speeches outlining major policy positions.
We know liberals intend to coronate Hillary Clinton as the 2016 Democratic nominee. The media keeps reminding us of her play by play leading up to her announcement. With liberals’ candidate already known, the campaign will be on the conservative side. There are many candidates expected to announce, but not all stand firmly for strong conservative values.
The bedrock principles of small government, sanctity of human life, and economic prosperity are embodied by conservative candidates, and are expected to be major issues during the campaign. BAMPAC supports a spirted debate around our core issues and look forward to candidates announcing their support for our issues.
Several potential candidates embody BAMPAC issues and we stand ready to assist them, with your help. Ben Carson, Rand Paul, and Rick Santorum proudly stand for protecting the life of the unborn. Their commitment to life and economic prosperity holds true. We look forward to seeing them on the campaign trail.